Developer's theory guide

This guide is meant to give developers a comprehensive understanding of how DAGMC works as it exists in MOAB and the key components one may use during development.


To initialize a DAGMC instance, the constructor must be called. If the constructor is called with no arguments, then a new MOAB instance is created and attached to the DAGMC instance. Otherwise, a pointer to an existing MOAB instance can be passed in the constructor and a DAGMC instance will be attached to that existing MOAB instance.

DAGMC setup

There are three main steps to setting up a DAGMC geometry. First the storage space for the implicit complement is created. Then the OBB trees are built. And finally the sets of indices for volumes and surfaces are generated. See sections below for more information about implicit complements, OBBs, and indices.


Every mesh-based geometry contains entity sets that are either volumes, surfaces, or curves. There are two types of relationships that can relate entities to other entities. The first is called a parent-child relationship. Volumes are parents to surfaces that make up that volume; surfaces are parents to curves; and curves are parents to the geometric vertices.

The second type of relationship is the set relationship, which is different from a parent-child relationship. Each surface and curve is an entity set. The surface entity sets contain the triangles and their vertices for that surface. The curve entity sets contain edges and their vertices. The volume entity sets, however, are empty. While a volume is parent to surfaces (the parent-child relationship), the volume does not contain any mesh entities.

Sense tags

Each surface is tagged with the two volume handles of the adjacent volumes. The first of the two surfaces is designated as the forward direction and the second is designated with the reverse direction. It is important to note that these surfaces senses may not be consistent with how an MC code determines the surface sense.


Types of indices

There are three ways to identify any surface and volume in a geometry: global ID, index, or entity handle. The global ID is an integer number that corresponds to the Cubit ID. As a result, the set of global IDs does not necessarily have to be contiguous. During setup, the global ID is tagged on the entity set. The second method is to identify by index. This is an ordinal numerical reference for each volume or surface in the geometry. It is important to note that index starts from one (not zero). The third method is to identify by the entity handle of the entity set. The entity handle is assigned by MOAB and is not necessarily contiguous.

Cross referencing

If one type of index is known, then either of the other two can be determined. By using the functions below or a combination of the functions, either global ID, index, or entity handle can be determined. It is important to note that surfaces and volumes each have their own set of integer indexes and global IDs, while entity handles are unique to each entity set. Each integer (whether it is an index or global ID) can refer to multiple entity handles (a surface or volume). Therefore, when cross referencing by either index or global ID, the dimension needs to be supplied, but is not necessary when cross referencing by entity handle. There are five methods for cross referencing: entity handle by index (entity_by_index), global ID by index (id_by_index), entity handle by global ID (entity_by_id), global ID by entity handle (get_entity_id), index by entity handle (index_by_handle).

OBB Tree

What is an OBB?

An OBB, or Oriented Bounding Box, is a box that contains a single facet or set of facets and is oriented such that it is the smallest possible box encompassing the facet(s), as opposed to having an axis aligned with the full geometry. This is different from an axis aligned bounding box, which is aligned with the global axis and is not necessarily the smallest box possible. An example is the facet outlined in red below and it’s corresponding OBB. For the the rest of this section, facets will be represented by a line with a 2D OBB.

Image of a 3-D Oriented Bounding Box (OBB) around a facet

OBB tree construction

First, the OBB tree for each surface is built. This is built top down where the top level is an OBB that contains all the surface’s facets. Then the set of facets is split roughly in half and two new OBBs form around each of the new sets. This continues until each of the OBBs the level contains a small number of facets. A 2D example is given below where a single surface has been faceted and the corresponding OBB tree is created.

Image of OBB tree structure for a surface

After OBB trees have been created for each surface in a geometry, they are joined together to create a complete OBB tree for a volume. See the example below where the green, red, and blue surfaces make up a volume.

Image of OBB tree structure for a volume

Implicit complement

What is the implicit complement & how is it formed?

The implicit complement is the space not defined by the CAD model. It is formed by looking at the sense(s) of each surface individually. A surface between two volumes has both a forward and reverse sense defined with respect to the volumes. A surface that has only one sense defined, whether it is forward or reverse, means that only one side of that surface has a volume defined. The collection of all surfaces in the geometry that only have one sense defined are the surfaces that create the implicit complement by changing the sense already defined.

OBB tree construction

The OBB tree construction for the implicit complement is very similar to the construction of OBB trees for general volumes. However, since the surfaces that make the implicit complement are all part of other volumes, the OBB trees for the surfaces are already known, and therefore the only construction step necessary is joining the trees to create a complete OBB tree for the implicit complement volume.

Ray history

DAGMC implements a class called RayHistory which is local to the DAGMC class. The ray history stores a vector containing all the entity handles of the triangles that the ray has crossed. This structure can be emptied (reset), the last entry can be popped off and removed (rollback_last_intersection), or the entire history can be removed with the exception of the last intersection which forms the basis of the new RayHistory (reset_to_last_intersection). The purpose of the class is to improve robustness of the ray queries inside of DAGMC for a number of purposes:

  1. When a particle is streaming, to ensure that the same triangle cannot be hit twice

  2. When a particle is reflecting from a surface, to clear all history except the triangle just hit

  3. When a particle is newly created or retrieved from the bank/stack and the RayHistory should be cleared

  4. When a particle step was not fully taken, for example a sensing step or an interaction occurred first, the RayHistory should be taken back to its previous state such that the triangle could be hit again.

The RayHistory class is an optional argument to the DAGMC ray functions, which will otherwise not retain nor exclude any intersections other than those not numerically possible.

Point in volume

Given a volume entity handle, position, and ray direction (optional), the point_in_volume function will test if the point is inside or outside the given volume. It is assumed that the test volume exists and is known. Passing a direction vector to this function adds robustness and ensures consistent results. Otherwise, a random direction is used.

Ray fire

The ray_fire function will return the entity handle of the next surface to be crossed along with the distance to that surface given the ray's direction. If the ray is being tracked in a straight line through multiple volumes, passing in the ray-history is important to keep the ray from intersecting facets more than once (ie, if the particle is streaming). It is important to note that when tracking through multiple volumes, ray_fire must be called multiple times as it may only be called for a single volume at a time.

Next volume

If the next surface is known (after calling ray_fire), the entity handle of the next volume can be determined by calling next_volume. Given the next surface and the known current volume, the next volume is determined by looking at the other volume tagged on that surface (as described in the Sense Tags section above). This assumes that a valid surface and volume are provided. If no next volume exists, then the call will return 0 for the next volume.

DAGMC Metadata

Metadata Structure in DAGMC Files

This section describes the structure used to represent DAGMC metadata using MOAB's .h5m format. This is useful knowledge when constructing DAGMC geometries manually or when adding support for their generation from a new source. Specific information on the DAGMC .h5m file format can be found in the DAGMC .h5m File Specification.

Metadata EntitySets are tagged with a CATEGORY tag (similar to geometric sets) with the value "Group" to indicate that the entity set's purpose is to group geometric entities together. These metadata EntitySets can be gathered using this tag and value to identify "Group" entity sets in the MOAB instance.

DAGMC metadata information used during simulation (material assignments, boundary conditions, volume tallies, etc.) is stored on these "Group" EntitySets as the value of their NAME tag. Please see the UWUW Section of the user's guide for information about the syntax of this tagged information. Geometric EntitySets associated with this metadata entry are contained by the metadata entity set.

DAGMC's Metadata Interface

DAGMC's metadata interface allows one to navigate metadata in moreq straightforward ways than querying MOAB tags directly, allowing one to retrieve entities with specific attributes quickly. The metadata class is constructed using an existing DAGMC class. Upon calling load_property_data, the interface will parse all metadata existing in the MOAB file with keywords, such as "mat" or "boundary", which are provided to the interface in its constructor. A list of the default keywords is provided below. Additional keywords can be provided to the interface during its construction to support implementation-specific conventions.

Default metadata keyword list:
  • mat: material composition assignment

  • rho: material density assignment (units: g/cc)

  • boundary: boundary condition

  • tally: indicates a geometric tally on a surface or volume

  • importance: used to set variance reduction properties [1]

The mat and rho keywords are required for all DAGMC simulations for full material definitions in each volume of the model.

Once the metadata in the MOAB file has been parsed, the interface contains functions like get_surface_property and get_volume_property which allow one to retrieve metadata values for a keyword using the surface/volume index or MOAB entity handle.

The University of Wisconsin Unified Workflow (UWUW) Interface

The UWUW class in DagMC uses an amalgamated version of PyNE's C++ code to interface with PyNE material and tally libraries. PyNE's "physics code neutral" data formats allow the data in UWUW DAGMC files to interface with many different physics codes using the same .h5m file.

Standard Use

The UWUW class is typically constructed using the path to a .h5m file containing a material library. Both material and tally definitions along with their assignment to EntitySets in the MOAB geometry are loaded into the UWUW instance upon its creation.

UWUW* uwuw = new UWUW("/path/to/dagmc.h5m");

UWUW will search the hdf5 file to find material and tally definitions in the default datapaths /materials and /tally, respectively. At this point, material/tally library information can be accessed via the material_library and tally_library attributes of the UWUW object.

int mat_lib_size = uwuw->material_library.size();
pyne::Material steel = uwuw->material_library["Steel"];

Material and tally information can then be written in a variety of supported formats using their writer methods, named for each of the physics codes they support.

std::string mcnp_mat = mat.mcnp();

For more information on supported codes and how to gather other information from these objects, please refer to the PyNE's material and tally documentation.

The UWUW class relies on the DAGMC's Metadata Interface to parse material and tally assignments from the MOAB geometry in the DAGMC .h5m file using its default set of keywords. In particular, the mapping of material definitions to geometric EntitySets generated by the DAGMC metadata class is directly transferred to the UWUW class in the process_materials method. Certain utility functions of DAGMC's metadata class like unpack_string are used in UWUW as well for convenience in other areas of UWUW as well.

Custom hdf5 datapaths

While it is recommended that the default hdf5 datapaths for PyNE data are used. It is possible to provide specific datapaths to the interface. This can be done by creating a UWUW object with an empty constructor. This will subvert the automatic loading of material and tally data that would occur using the constructor shown in the previous section. The load_pyne_materials and load_pyne_tallies methods can then be used to provide custom material/tally library files and/or customized hdf5 datapaths for those files. [2]

UWUW* uwuw = new UWUW();
uwuw->load_pyne_materials("hdf5_material_file_path", datapath = "/custom/hdf5/datapath");
uwuw->load_pyne_tallies("hdf5_tally_file_path", datapath = "/custom/hdf5/datapath");